Learning Environments
Each learning space facilitates learning through both physical and cultural contemporary design. This is research-based and best practice in order for students to learn from the expert (campfire), discuss collaboratively with peers to challenge and consolidate their learning (watering hole) and finally embed the learning into something they understand and can apply (Cave). In our learning spaces, these learning experiences can be facilitated in specific physical spaces, but they can also refer to a phase of learning that the student is in.
In addition to this contemporary learning design, we facilitate the learning through the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. This is once again a research-based “best practice” form of learning where the control of the learning moves slowly from the teacher to the student through a strategic process of modelling, then sharing together, guiding, and finally independent practice by the learner. This is a K-10 approach to learning.
● The campfire is a space where people gather to learn from an expert.
● The Teacher models a new skill or explains a new concept.
● Expertise can be shared in person or via technology.

Watering Hole
● The watering hole is the place for social learning among peers (conversations, not lectures).
● Peers act as both the learner and the teacher simultaneously.
● It is vocal – although accountable to the learning.

● A private space/time where an individual can think, reflect and transform learning from external knowledge to internal belief.